The Weight Loss Clinic at Premier Healthcare: Ideal Protein

Premier’s Weight Loss Program in conjunction with Ideal Protein

The Ideal Protein line used in the weight loss clinic was medically designed over 25 years ago by a doctor in France. Here at Premier Healthcare, each person is medically supervised and assessed weekly during the course of the program.

The program itself helps each person stabilize their pancreas and blood sugar levels through proper nutrition and will cause the body to live off stored fat. It is a program that does not mess with muscle mass, but will burn away the stored fat.

With the weight loss clinic, it incorporates protein into the diet daily and lowers the amount of calories and carbohydrates ingested. With that becomes an increase in fat burning and a weekly weight loss. It is expected that women will lose 2-3 pounds weekly and men 3-5 pounds weekly if the protocol is followed properly.

Premier Healthcare Weight loss clinic is headed by staff that is very knowledgeable of the Ideal protein line and are trained to monitor patients through their weight loss journey.

The Weight Loss clinic is a safe and effective program and will give a person results if followed properly. The ideal protein line has 75 different foods that range from breakfast choices to sweet treats. It is not a drink system; it is based off a variety of products that each person can choose what they want to eat weekly.

If interested in the program, it is a requirement that every person attend a free workshop. Workshops are held every second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 5:45pm to 6:30pm. The workshops will go over the program, costs, and give out samples of the products for people to taste. Each person must sign-up to attend the workshops. The number to call and signup for a workshop is 812-331-3401.